Over the last few weeks, there has been a definite increase in the number of house break-ins, attempted break-ins, motor vehicle thefts and gate motor theft in the Benoni area, with Pomona, Bredell and Rynfield being the hardest hit. Last week alone there were 31 reported incidents. The areas with the most incidents were Pomona […]
Smash-and-grabs a growing problem in Klerksdorp CBD

Fidelity ADT have issued a warning to motorists in the Klerksdorp CBD. They have flagged vehicle-related incidents as an ongoing cause of concern, particularly smash and grabs. Chamone Bronner, Branch Manager for Fidelity ADT said key areas of concern are at high-activity intersections in the Central Business District as motorists commute to and from work. […]
Suspect learns “there is no running away” from Hermanus security officers

A suspect has been charged with possession of suspected stolen property, thanks to an alert Hermanus public safety officer. “One of the Hermanus Public Protection (HPP) officers was on patrol in Eastcliff when he saw a man walking along the main road. It was very early in the morning and the man’s demeanor raised suspicion […]
Security camera helps in arrest of Capri housebreaking suspects

CCTV security cameras fulfil two roles. They act as a deterrent to would-be criminals, and they also help in providing information that is useful in responding to a crime. This is what happened in Capri this week (Thursday 12 May 2022) when two suspects were arrested, after they broke into a home in the area. […]