Mother’s Day 2021 – Protecting those who gave us life

mother's day

Researchers say the very first Mother’s Day was commemorated in the USA back in 1908, when a local woman organised a day to honour her mother. Six years later, the US Congress voted to officially recognise the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day. A century later, it is a day commemorated around the world. (Source: […]

Urban Branches bring the human connection back into the suburbs

urban branches

Advancements in technology and evolving crime patterns have changed the face of the security industry, introducing a highly systems-driven approach to provide communities with the necessary support and tech innovation. In this kind of environment it is sometimes easy to downplay the human connection, but security is personal and communities are not all the same. […]

How smart is your security provider?

CCTV camera

If for whatever reason you leave a key under the pot plant for your neighbour while you’re on holiday, be sure your high-tech cameras have eyes on that pot plant, says Charnel Hattingh, Head of Marketing and Communications for Fidelity ADT. Home security products have advanced in line with technology at a rapid rate, she […]

Reporting crime can reduce crime and save lives

guard talking

It is a common belief the police and private security companies are on top of crime trends in the areas they patrol, especially since so many incidents are now reported on social media groups. However, simply because an incident of a mugging or car theft is reported on a community Whatsapp group does not make […]

Getting the right help fast is key in an emergency at home

emergency guards on the scene

Nobody wants to think about an emergency situation unfolding at home, but the reality is they happen – and often very quickly. Charnel Hattingh, Head of Marketing and Communications for Fidelity ADT, says neighbourhood networks play an important role when it comes to needing help in an emergency. Examples of such networks are neighbourhood watches, […]

SA urged to support its heroes in uniform

ADT & Fidelity guard

Our country is blessed with thousands of brave and hard-working men and women, who spend their days looking after our health and safety. They need our help and cooperation, as we can only succeed if we all work together and take personal responsibility. The call comes from armed response company Fidelity ADT, as South Africa […]

Lockdown has eased but you shouldn’t ease off on security at home


With the country now in lockdown level one, many offices have reopened and their employees are back in their normal working routines. Charnel Hattingh, Head of Marketing and Communications at Fidelity ADT, says it’s important not to ease off on your security protocols at home, whether you are returning to work or continuing to work […]

New innovations in bomb protection and cash acceptance devices

new innovactions

The increase in retail bombing, grinding and impact attacks on Cash Acceptance Devices (CAD) in the retail sector has prompted a relook at the technology required to protect both staff and assets. Gawie Du Preez, Executive: Fidelity CashMaster at Fidelity Services Group, says Fidelity CashMaster is one of the larger players when it comes to […]

Data is the new oil – Putting data to work

data analysis

The COVID-19 pandemic is pressuring shopping centres and retailers to innovate in the face of new customer behaviours, many of which have never been seen before. When observed across shopping channels, consumer behaviour is complex, constantly changing and becoming more unpredictable than ever before. “In the past retailers may have been able to purely invest […]

When did you last check your car’s tracking device?

tracking tech

With lockdown and less driving, many of us have become complacent about the effectivity of our car’s tracking device. The reality is that if your device is older than 3 years old, then it is like having a 3-year old cell phone and you should be considering your options. Wahl Bartmann, CEO of Fidelity Services […]


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