Crime and crime fighting: Not all our heroes wear uniforms.

Our country is blessed with thousands of brave and hard-working men and women, who spend their days looking after our health and safety. They need our help and support, as we can only succeed if we all work together and take personal responsibility. “We can leave behind a better South Africa for our children and […]

Hijacking – A sad reality for South Africans

Hijacking is a sad reality that many South Africans are faced with on a daily basis. The Q3 crime stats released by the SAPS recently showed that around 66 cars are hijacked daily – an increase of 6.5% on the same period in 2022. The provinces of Gauteng, the Western Cape, and the North West […]

New Year’s Resolutions – A Quarter Down, Are You Still on Track?

As we wrap up the first quarter of 2024, it’s time to reflect on our New Year’s resolutions. For many, personal safety was a top priority. But how are we doing on those resolutions? Are we still on track, or is there anything to change? Charnel Hattingh Group Head of Marketing & Communications at Fidelity […]

Easter Holidays: Making sure your car and your occupants can travel in safety.

Easter Holidays: Making sure your car and your occupants can travel in safety.

The month of March will see thousands of families hit the road, to enjoy the chance to relax and recharge over the Easter Holidays and the many long weekends. There are basic safety steps that drivers should remember to ensure they and their passengers reach their destinations safely. “You can make a massive difference by […]

Security peace of mind starts with you this Human Rights Month

Security peace of mind starts with you this Human Rights Month

It’s Human Rights Month, with Human Rights Day being marked on March 21. Did you know the right to safety and security is in the South African Bill of Rights? In this respect, according to the Bill of Rights – (1) Everyone has the right to freedom and security of the person, which includes the […]

It’s that time again – get Easter holiday ready!

It’s that time again – get Easter holiday ready!

The shops are already brimming with Easter bunnies and eggs, a reminder that the Easter long weekend is not far off. “The schools are also heading towards school holidays in a week or two so now is the time to get home security in order,” says Charnel Hattingh, Group Head of Marketing and Communications at […]

Make personal safety a priority for the New Year

Make personal safety a priority for the New Year

The New Year offers a new start. Perhaps the security of your home has been neglected and needs a fresh approach too. Charnel Hattingh, Group head of Marketing and Communications at Fidelity ADT, says now is the opportune time to consider whether your home security system is still adequate. “When last did you test your […]

Home owners urged to vet anyone doing work on their property

Home owners urged to vet anyone doing work on their property

The start of a new year and many home owners may be wanting to start the new year with some much needed renovations or simply a change in contract workers employed. Home owners are encouraged to do research into anyone they allow onto their property or into their homes to do any work. They should […]

December holiday travels: Did you remember to test your vehicle tracking device?

December holiday travels: Did you remember to test your vehicle tracking device?

Statistics released by the SAPS recently show how prevalent vehicle hijackings are. Between July and September of 2023, around 6000 vehicles were hijacked across South Africa – an average of approximately 66 cars per day. “With the busy festive season period on our doorstep, thousands of families will be travelling by road to their holiday […]

Fidelity SecureFire: A Beacon of Hope in South Africa’s Fire Response Landscape

Fidelity SecureFire: A Beacon of Hope in South Africa’s Fire Response Landscape

Since its launch in August 2023, Fidelity SecureFire, a division of the Fidelity Services Group, has been making significant strides in revolutionising fire response services in South Africa. The unique ‘own first responder’ model has proven to be a game-changer in the critical fire response space, especially at a time when most fire stations around […]


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